Patch Blog | Information on Military Patches and more.

Honoring Troops

Honoring Troops

Growing up, my mother had me watch plenty of old musicals, dramas, and comedies. Each movie had its share of cheese, but many held a central theme of war or military with an attached fondness. Bing Crosby, and Donald O'Conner come to mind as men who sang "Gee I wish I was back in the Army" by Irving Berlin, and Gene Kelly singing and dancing to "Anchors Away" the classic Navy song. In another old movie, "Francis the Talking Mule", Donald O'Conner would have antics that would certainly poke fun a …
Sep 21st 2013 Christopher Drake
Why Are Patches Desirable

Why Are Patches Desirable

So you might ask, what is so great about a patch? A patch can be an efficient tangible reminder of persons, places, events, transitions, achievements, and unity.It is a way to commemorate our own experiences as well as experiences of others.According to 2012 statistics, 13% of American adults are military veterans.1Currently less than half a percent of Americans serve in the military.2Demographics have changed over time, with the now-elderly World War II generation having served at a rate of …
Aug 15th 2013 Christopher Drake
Captain Morpheus of the Matrix wants our Military Patches

Captain Morpheus of the Matrix wants our Military Patches

Morpheus captain of the Nebuchadnezzar stopped by to talk patches!Unless you took the blue pill in which case we had a highly sought after terrorist here in the matrix pay us a visit. Either way Morpheus had called us up and wanted to pay us a visit. After rummaging around our vast warehouse containing tens of thousands of military patches we sat down and started discussing matters of the free world. After informing us that he had just recruited an entirely new crew and wanted to initiate t …
Aug 6th 2013 Joshua Cypher
Jack Sparrow Wants Pirate Patches

Jack Sparrow Wants Pirate Patches

The captain of the Black Pearl was pulling into harbor where we had our booth set up on dock for selling our patches. We knew Jack Sparrow from his movies and his gait was unmistakable. As he sauntered by, one of our patches caught his eye and he stopped abruptly and picked it up off the table. He eyed it enthusiastically, saw our pricing for wholesale patches, and asked..."You're saying I can get these for all my mates?"-Jack SparrowWe knew we had won him over with the skull and crossed cu …
Jul 24th 2013 Christopher Drake
John Wayne Patch Quote

John Wayne Patch Quote

Now we didn't get to sit down with him, but John Wayne, the Duke, was overheard recently speaking about his beret patch for the 5th Special Forces.He was telling a child a little about his military patch on his beret, and this is what he said in his conversation:"You see, this patch means I'm a bad ass."-John WayneHe said it and we know it's true. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think his patch makes him a bad ass... John Wayne is a bad ass. And he sure wears it like one. I wouldn …
Jul 16th 2013 Christopher Drake